If you want to enjoy the treasures of an old city, then you will definitely love to visit Zurich city.

Besides being known as banking capital of the world, there are quite good places to visit in Zurich.

It is known as paradise for historian and professional artist.  Here are few main attractions for Zurich city.

Zurich Lake

You can enjoy a relaxing boat cruise in Zurich Lake during summer. During the cruise, you can enjoy beautiful scenes of surrounding mountains.

Most of the boats include restaurants with delicious food. You can enjoy excellent meal during the cruise on Zurich Lake.


When you are on Zurich vacation, you can’t miss out Bahnhofstrasse, one of the most expensive shopping centers of the world.

The street at Bahnhofstrasse and surrounding shopping areas are elegant and shouldn’t be missed out. Even if you don’t want to spend money, you can just go for window shopping.

Landes Museum

This is Switzerland’s national museum that offers an epic survey on history and culture of the people living in Swiss from Neolithic age to so far. It also contains works of religious arts and few arts dated from 9th century, roman clothing and weapons used at Swiss warfare from centuries.


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