Perhaps the first thing on your mind is: There is hot like hell in there.

You are right, Death Valley is dangerously hot and dry, especially in the summer, but if you visit this place in the winter, you will find a real beauty. One of the main reasons to visit the Death Valley is the nature, which has no equivalent in the whole world.

Here wildflowers grow that cannot be seen anywhere else. The National Park is actually offering thousands of attractions and sport activities. In the borders of the park are placed many of the so called “ghost towns”.

This is a journey, which you will surely remember. If you are a sport lover, then don’t miss out the group climbing, which are offered by the National Park.

Another of the things you can do in here is to enjoy the landscapes, which are breathtaking. The hotels and the spa-centers are also a reason to visit, as they practice unusual therapies, which are proven as the best.

The organized tours are also among the best activities you can do in the park. Don’t miss out the guided tour of Scotty’s Castle, for it is always a surprising journey through the most beautiful sites you can see in the Death Valley.


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