Exotic destinations are part of the dream of any traveler and many people are looking for such a vacation spot for 2014. Islands and tropical resorts have something special but if you are not very fond of going to the same place everybody goes to, consider this rather new ideas for exotic travel.

The Brando

The Brando

The most advertised luxury eco island resort will have only 35 villas each with their very own pool. The island’s energy will be provided exclusively by sun and coconut oil and the tourists here will have the opportunity to experience a paradise close to nature where luxury treatments will not interfere with the natural beauty.



Bali’s smaller sister in Indonesia is as tiny as the Massachusetts state. The Nihiwatu resort offers just 29 rooms but here you can experience all the beauty of nature and all the benefits of an island looking close to what Bali used to look before getting too crowded.

Funtasy Island

Funtasy Island

This eco resort offers a secluded getaway with 3 log cabins placed close to the largest barrier reef. Here you can experience the best of what a close to nature tropical getaway has to offer. The tourists can explore the mainland but also the Blue Hole and they can enjoy scuba diving and bird watching in a large world famous bird sanctuary.

Bom Bom

Bom Bom

Placed on the Principe Island, Africa’s Galapagos , this lovely scenery will offer you the chance to see wildlife in its natural habitat. With new species discovered every year this unique ecosystem attracts a large number of nature passionate visitors from all over the globe. The accommodations are limited to 19 bungalows especially because this place must be kept untouched by the human building frenzy.

Orpheus Island

Orpheus Island

Placed next to the Australian great  barrier reef this site is accessible only by helicopter. Here you can dive between a myriad of fish and enjoy delicacies prepared by famous Australian chefs. You can enjoy a private beach and explore the luxurious forest that makes this place unique. The place offers accommodation only in 14 rooms so you must make the reservations very early.

Benguerra Island

Benguerra Island

This exotic safari resort has only 31 accommodation spots. Here you can experience everything a safari lodge has to offer not to mention that here is the only place in Africa where you can see the endangered dugong.


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