rio de janeiroWhen planning a vacation to Brazil it is advisable to first find out the dates of all the carnivals that are held there during the Summer months.

The population of Brazil, really know how to celebrate, so it is a shame to miss out on any of the fun.

In the capital, Rio de Janeiro, as well as the carnival there are equally exuberant Masquerade balls, Copacabana Palace Hotel is the location of the most famous one of all.

Often attended by celebrities, with everyone present wearing expensive specially designed costumes while listening to live music. These balls are very lavish affairs lasting right through the night.

When you watch the different carnivals in Brazil you will notice how similar it is to the dance and costumes of Africa, in particular the use of feathers. The music too is very alike. It all makes for a very colorful and uplifting display, which should not be missed by any visitor.

The main carnival held annually in Rio de Janeiro attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists who for four days and nights share the streets with the city’s population.

This means that millions of people are celebrating in the days leading up to Lent, a Christian tradition where believers go without certain things for their faith.

Known locally as the greatest show on earth, the Sambodromo, is a celebration of the very best samba schools in the region.

Alternatively called the Samba Parade, it consists of a long narrow area surrounded by stands for spectators. Each of the carefully chosen fourteen schools have a richly decorated float and their parade continue well into the small hours.


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