vacation planningDo a Web search for “healthy vacation” and you’ll get a smorgasbord of spas offering yoga at dawn, fruit- and fiber-rich menus aimed at shedding those “stubborn five pounds” and a host of meditation classes.

You’ll also find ads for group tours with hours-long walks through some of the world’s most visited spots.

But there’s more to a good-for-you getaway than watching what you eat and hiking along the Great Wall. Off-the-beaten-path destinations that inspire you to engage in physical activity and adopt healthy habits in an unpolluted environment are just as good for you.

That’s because they not only help you to keep trim but improve your cardiovascular health while you see a part of the world unexposed to hordes of tourists.

Guests at the Adirondak Loj, located in the High Peaks region of New York’s Adirondack State Park, are only a short walk from the trail head of Mount Marcy, the state’s highest peak.

But don’t expect to sleep late–the staff wakes visitors early for a hearty breakfast in the Loj’s rustic dining room. After that, you’re on your own; most guests clear out early to hit the trails.

As the number of physically fit baby boomers swells, they are leading a trend toward more active vacations.

The outdoors enthusiast will find plenty in the Galapagos Islands. You may eat like a sea lion here, but you won’t come back looking like one–with all the hiking and swimming you’ll do, you won’t need to hit the gym.

Read more at Forbes


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