There are hundreds of recognizable natural and manmade landmarks around the globe and all of them are quite unique. These are 6 of the most popular manmade ones you will find.

1. Big Ben London, England

Big Ben London England

There are quite a few recognizable landmarks in London, such as Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament, and Buckingham Palace. However, arguably, the most well known of all is Big Ben. Thisclock tower symbolizes the determination of the British people as it kept time and struck the bell even during the bombing blitz the city suffered during the Second World War.

The pendulum keeps perfect time with the help of a stack of English pennies that are balanced on top of it. For those who are given permission to climb the clock tower, you need to be in decent shape to climb the 16 storeys since there is no elevator.

2. The Roman Colosseum, Rome, Italy

The Roman Colosseum

The Roman Colosseum has been a popular attraction in the Italian capital for hundreds of years. It takes your imagination back to the days when the lions and gladiators would fight it out in the middle of the famed arena in front of frenzied crowds. The Colosseum has deteriorated a little over the years due to father time, stone thieves, and earthquakes. However, you can still see the remnants of the amazing architecture and engineering skills that went into the building of the venue.

3. The Great Wall of China, China

The Great Wall of China

While China’s great wall has been popular for centuries, it’s not really a wall from start to finish. It’s about 5,500 miles in length, but parts of it are constructed of natural barriers and trenches. Some of the wall has eroded over the centuries, but other sections of it are in very good shape, especially around Mutianyu and Badaling. Almost 200 miles of the wall which had been covered and hidden by sand were discovered in Mongolia back in 2009.

4. Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France

Notre Dame Cathedral

Paris’ Notre Dame is definitely the most recognizable cathedral in the city due to its magnificent French Gothic architecture, flying buttresses, and colorful stained-glass windows. Of course, it was also the setting for the famous Hunchback of Notre Dame novel written by Victor Hugo. If you’d like to get a close up look at the gargoyles, you need to climb over 300 steps in the north tower to do so.

5. The Blue Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey

The Blue Mosque Istanbul

Istanbul’s wondrous Blue Mosque was completed way back in 1616. It’s been one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks ever since. The mosque sits beside the ancient and famous Hippodrome and faces toward the Hagia Sophia. There are approximately 21,000 beautiful blue tiles inside of the mosque as well as 260 colorful stained-glass windows. Prayers are called here 5 times per day.

6. The Opera House, Sydney, Australia

The Opera House Sydney

Sydney’s spectacular opera house was designed by Jorn Utzon and he did a great job of it since it’s one of the world’s most recognizable structures. The white shell roof blends in perfectly with the deep blue water of Sydney Harbour which sits in its background. The opera house features several entertaining events each week, such as ballet, chamber music, plays, operas, and performances by the Sydney Philharmonic Orchestra.


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