angel fallsIn the ‘Land of Grace’ or Tierra de Gracia as Columbus named it, there is a multitude of scenery and the highest waterfall in the world, the Angel Falls.

At over two thousand feet, it is a magnificent sight and tourists flock to see it.

The mountainous region of Venezuela includes Pico Bolivar that stands nearly five thousand meters high, and is a haven for hikers and an exciting destination for those who like to trek.

Other activities, for example rafting and paragliding, are enjoyed by visitors and locals in equal measure.

With a tropical climate, it is better to come prepared but it is those with an adventurous spirit that enjoy it the most. River sports are increasingly popular mainly because of the magnificent Orinoco river, the biggest in the country.

Venezuela is nestled between Brazil, Columbia and Guyana, the only coastline is where Aruba and Trinidad and Tobago are situated. The latter is where Christopher Columbus became so fascinated with this diverse landscape.

This lack of many sandy beaches does not stop it from being a major tourist attraction because adventure is what its reputation is all about. Bravery for some includes canyoning; this involves quite literally abseiling into the narrowest of water currents from an exceedingly great height. Certainly not for the faint hearted but proving as drawn for many.

The country is still a developing nation so prices are still relatively cheap, which makes it a good choice for the adventurer seeking traveling the globe. Just don’t forget to pack a hard hat, just in case.


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