There are some famous bridges in the world such as Tower, and London Bridges in England and the Golden Gate in the American city of San Francisco. However, there are hundreds of little-known bridges that are just as amazing. These are some of the best on the globe.

1. Si Du River Bridge, China


(photo credit:

This amazing bridge crosses over top of the Si Du River valley, which is about 1640 feet deep in China’s Hubei province. It’s believed to be the world’s highest bridge.

2. Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado


(photo credit: Roland Ulmer)

This fascinating piece of architecture crosses over top of the Arkansas River. It’s a popular attraction with visitors and sits close to Canon City in the western American state of Colorado. It was erected for about $350,000 back in 1929 and is still the highest suspension bridge in the USA.

3. Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland


(photo credit: TomWynne)

Mainland Northern Ireland is connected to Carrick Island by this wonderful suspension bridge. It’s tiny Carrick Island with mainland Northern Ireland. The narrow walking bridge is only about 65 feet long and it’s maintained by Great Britain’s National Trust. It’s also quite popular as it attracts close to a quarter of a million visitors each year.

4. Millau Viaduct, France


(photo credit: photox0906)

The Millau Viaduct in France is known as the world’s highest vehicular bridge. It stands about 1122 feet in height and is relatively new as it’s only been open since 2004. The bridge’s designer wanted it to be delicate, like a butterfly even though it’s built out of 36,000 tonnes of hardened steel.

5. Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan


(photo credit: Tipu3)

This bridge can be pretty frightening as it crosses Borit Lake in Pakistan. It takes a brave person to cross it as it has some pretty wide gaps in it and unstable planks. The swinging rope bridge is known to be one of the most dangerous on the planet.

6. Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia


(photo credit: ckngoo)

This cable bridge is suspended about 2300 feet above sea level. The curvy bridge allows people to walk among the tops of the mountains in the Malaysian island Pulau Langkawi.

7. Shahara, Yemen


(photo credit: Jesen)

This 17th century bridge was built to connect towns at the tops of mountains in the country of Yemen. It’s another scary bridge and a popular attraction with tourists, but the local residents still cross it regularly as a part of their daily routine.

8. Capilano Suspension Bridge, British Columbia


(photo credit: chris113)

The western Canadian province of British Columbia is home to this frightening suspension bridge. It’s about 223 feet above the ground and 446 feet long. It attracts close to a million visitors a year, with many of them crossing it themselves.

9. Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah


(photo credit: oldmantravels)

There are three large bridges at this national site in America that have been naturally formed out of sandstone. They’re some of the biggest natural bridgeson the globe. Sipapu is about 270 feet long, Kachina is close to 203 feet and Owachomo is 180 feet in length.

10. Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina


(photo credit: amirblumenfeld)

This spectacular bridge was formed naturally over time by the moving water. The ice bridge on the famous glacier is too tough for average travelers to cross.


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