No one can beat the mighty nature. And this fact was proved over the centuries. For the travelers, there is nothing more exciting than finding some of the breath taking landscapes around the globe.

The Badlands National ParkIn case you are searching for adrenaline, while traveling, then visit the extreme landscape of The Badlands National Park in the USA.

They are located in South Dakota and the weather there is so dramatic, that the temperature goes from -40F to 116F. This park is the biggest protected mixed grass prairie in America.

In case you are traveling to Europe, then go for the extreme feeling that The Giant’s Causeway in Ireland gives. These are basalt columns with odd and bizarre shapes. This landscape is due to volcano activity from 50 million ago.

SossusvleiAnother super extreme landscape, which has no equivalent, is Sossusvlei in the African country Namibia. Sossusvlei is placed in the Namib Desert and has extraordinary large red sand dunes. Sossusvlei is one of the driest parts in the world. There the only water source is a river that flows once every 10 years.


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