beach vacationWho wouldn’t want to travel to some exotic beaches somewhere?

Can’t you just feel the sand between your toes and the sun warming every part of you?

Sandy white beaches with clear blue waters are places where you can relax and leave the worries of home behind.

Imagine yourself sitting under a huge umbrella, with a cold drink, thinking about nothing except the beauty that is all around you.

Going to the beach on vacation is an awesome thing to do. Before you travel through you need to make sure that you are prepared for this wonderful vacation. It is a good idea to make a list of things that you will need so that you won’t forget anything. [Travel checklist]


Clothing is something that you will not want to forget for your beach vacation. Summer clothing is a must. It will be hot where you are and you will need to take the appropriate clothing to suit the climate. You can start this list off with of course a bathing suit with cover-up.

It would be awful to get to the beach and find out you left your bathing suit at home. Don’t forget your shoes and sandals. Sandals can be worn at the beach and you will need other shoes for your vacationing adventures.

Pajamas or nightgowns will be needed to relax in at the end of the day. You will also want to take along a fabulous beach hat to keep the sun off of your face.

Personal Items

Obvious things that you will need to pack are personal items. Suntan lotion with the proper SPF will come in handy for those sunning days on the beach.

Nobody wants to get bad sunburn. You won’t always be setting on the beach though, so you will need to pack your makeup for trips to town and going out at night.

Don’t forget your lotions to soothe your skin after a day at the beach. Any medications that you will need to take while on vacation will need to be packed. You may want to pack bandages and antibiotic cream in case you get a cut or scratch on your adventures.

Electronic Items

You will not want to forget to pack your cell phone charger. It can be very frustrating finding out that your cell phone battery is dead and you can’t make a call.

Cameras and camera chargers are at the top of the list when going on vacation. Photos that you take of your wonderful trip will be memories for a lifetime.

You may want to take an iPod or MP3 player with you on vacation to listen to on the airplane and also on the beach. If this is a working vacation then you will want to take your laptop with wireless card for those times that you will need to work.

Lastly, don’t forget your plane ticket and any personal documents that you might need. If you can remember all of these things then your beach vacation will be worry free.


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